conflict resolution
> falsity
> protest
Morgue Pub
drinking; carrying coffin; drinking
with corpses
The owners
of Morgans pub in Templeogue were also the undertakers. Customers
in the pub often were interrupted by a coffin being carried through
the premises as the corpses were stored in a back room of the
pub. Customers were often enjoying a drink only a few feet from
the dead.
Hell Fire Club
climbing; card game; discovery
The Hell Fire
Club was a notorious meeting place on the edge of Dublin Mountains
where wealthy folks went to play cards. One evening a stranger
arrived and joined the group, someone dropped a card on the ground
and when looking under the table for it noticed that the stranger
had hoofs instead of feet, apparently the Devil himself.
Trip to Jail
protest; arrest; jail visit
In the 60’s
some farmers made a peaceful protest in 60’s poor prices. They
were arrested and sent to Kilmainham Jail, Tom’s father was one
of the farmers. During a visit he remembers the gate of slamming
behind him and thought he too was locked up. The visit was supervised
by prison guards which seemed unfair treatment for such a minor
crime, the farmers were released after 3 weeks.
Mary O
Tar and Feathering
tar/feather; flee; hiding
During the
War of Independence a British soldier was randomly attacked in
Tallaght and tar and feathered. The men responsible fled the scene
and went into hiding up the Dublin Mountains for 15 months.
Ugly Wretch
pointing; belittling girl; wedding
Fionn mac
Cumhaill, celebrated hero warrior of Celtic literature had a spell
put on him by an ugly woman so that he believed she was a beauty.
She was often belittled for her ugliness. Despite this he was
fooled by the spell and agreed to marry her.
Egg Fight
scorn, throwing; action stopped; protest
Two local
boys and girls schools were involved in an egg fight. The resulting
action by the school authorities meant that the annual Sport Day
was cancelled. The students decided to go on strike, this attracted
a lot of media attention including a national newspaper. The Sports
Day was reinstated the year after.
Kilkee House Cat
fight; eating over body; cat under table
an argument between two men, one was killed. It is said that he
still haunts the site where the murder took place and takes the
form of a black cat. This place is currently occupied by a pub
and restaurant.
Twins Fagan
stooped pair; loading up; all carrying loads over shoulders
The Fagan
twin brothers from Knocklyn were notoriously mean; to stay warm
in the winter they apparently bought one sack of coal and instead
of burning it they would take turns carrying it around a field
to keep warm.
Mary D
Speaker Connolly Pub
review of document; speech;drunken bunch
Speaker William
Connelly was originally from Capel Street in Dublin City, he inherited
some land in Tallaght and build a pub there.
Rathfarnham Castle Bride
suitors; duel; opening up wall
Two men who
were competing over the hand of a woman for marriage decided to
have a secret duel to decide the issue. They bricked up the woman
behind a wall while the duel took place. Unfortunately they were
both killed in the fight and the woman died eventually behind
the wall. Years later her mummified body was discovered during
renovations at the Castle.
Hell Fire Club
card players; see hoof; devil vanished
One evening
a stranger arrived and joined a card playing group, someone dropped
a card on the ground and when looking under the table for it noticed
that the stranger had hoofs instead of feet, apparently the Devil.
With that the Devil disappeared into a puff of smoke.
Kings Cowboy
building fences; whisper/bribe; celebrating
Sir John Black
in the 17th century annexed a large piece of land that is now
the Phoenix Park. There were protests but when the case went to
court he bribed the magistrate thus getting to keep the land while
also giving himself an annuity.
St Enda’s
slapped on hands; classroom; marching
P.H. Pearse
founded the boarding school St Enda’s in Rathfarnham in an effort
to educate boys in a more supportive and Irish environment. He
eliminated corporeal punishment and classes were taught through
Irish. During the 1916 Rising volunteers which included some students
marched to the city from the school.
Walls of Tallaght
walls protected cows; breaking walls; cows escaped
There used
to be walls surrounding Tallaght, forming a fort. Livestock and
people were safe behind these walls. Several raids took place
and the structure was destroyed. This left Tallaght defenceless
and destitute.
Death with an Evil Grin
sick person; passing on a note; dead with grin
The first
Earl of Ross in the 18th century had lead a decadent life. On
his death bed a priest sent him a letter telling him to reform
his ways, instead he redirected the letter to the pious Lord Leinster.
Ross died with an evil grin on his face having played one final